Friday, June 15, 2012

So it's been a little while, but a few weeks after the last post I was in the hospital for a week because of a bowel obstruction and took a while to get back into the swing of things...not sure that I'm all the way there but anywho, here's a lovely pic of me in the middle of my stay about to get NG tube out (not sure what NG stand for but it was a tube that went through my nose into my stomach that sucked out whatever was left in my stomach) It was basically the worst week of my life-it was very painful and I couldn't eat for a week but God is good and I didn't need surgery. There were a bunch of random issues after I got out but I am feeling a lot better now-thank you so much to all of you that were praying and all the meals&childcare you provided, I don't know what I would have done without you!! 

 Just a sweet pic of my baby:-)
 Sisters hanging out:)
 I love Belle's face in this one:)
 We went camping Labor day weekend with the Vanrensburgs and the Wittes
 It rained the whole time so we bought a huge tarp and the guys made a nice shelter for us-I think Dylan looks exceptional:)  (Mom and Dad came and took Belle and Gideon which made it a much nicer experience-thanks!!)

 Lina and Raquel hanging out
 sweet sisters

 one of their favorite spots to watch movies
 apple picking with the Koepkes at the Elegant Farmer

 I got this dress for $30 on craigslist...Before:
 Lina wanted it to be pink so Evan surprised her with the inside

 Annual picture at Basses

 At the end of Oct the girls and I went to FL for 2 weeks to visit the Stocks.  We were originally only going to stay for a week while Evan replaced our trim and doors and new carpet was put in but it took longer than expected so we stayed an extra week!  Thanks Derek and Kristen:)

 Belle and Toby were playing quietly for quite a while in Mya's room and when I went to check on them Toby was doing Belles hair:)

 Being silly on the plane...not the biggest fan of flying alone with 2 kids but thankfully we had very nice people next to us both times
 Dec. 19-Birthday girls!

 Can you spot Lina's addition to the manger scene?
 Belle was pretty excited about the fruit snacks she got:)

 Lina was the flower girl in my friend Rachel's wedding.  She did a really good job, I should find the pics of her dancing at the reception-she had a crowd of people around her totally loving the attention:)

 all bundled up
 Evan is such a good daddy-I am not a big out door fan (unless I'm laying out on a beach:) He pulls them all over in the sled and does all kinds of things with them while I get some quiet time at home:)

 little sweetie
 Belle loves brushing her teeth

 Belle likes to walk with her hands in her pockets-I love it!  I don't know why I think this pic is so cute-I just love her:)
Kind of a big gap from the last pic (Evan started putting pics on his computer and I haven't transfered them yet...the last few are from my phone)
Lina's last night at AWANA...she's the one without the vest:)
 we love going to the zoo!  Belle and Lexi like to walk hand in hand-such sweet girls!

 I like Belle's pose
In April Evan joined the National Guard-this is him with his recruiter after he was sworn in
modeling their Easter dresses

 zoo with friends
 Lina and Aiden are too cute:)

 we met dad for lunch one day and then got to visit his office and eat a cookie:)
 The night before the Vanrensburgs left Angie painted the girl's toe nails-we miss you!!
 hanging out at Grandmas

 Belle likes to use the canisters as her table for day she was opening the sugar one and was going to stick her fingers in so I told here not to eat it because it's icky and she was like,'s delicious!
that's it for now:)


Kristen said...

They are getting so big! Such sweeties. Thanks for the pictures!!

aunt lyd and J said...

J and I almost fainted when we saw you updated this-good thing we were already in bed. Such sweet little girls!

The Blaubach family said...

Thanks for the update - love the pictures and you all!

Joni said...

I can't believe how big your girls are getting! Hope you are feeling better. Wish I could see you at the wedding, but I can't :(