Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Father's Day and random

Don't get used to such frequent posts...I'm sure this is just a fluke;)
 Apparently Belle thought Aunt Lyd needed some help with the garden-you missed a spot!
 Lina found this caterpillar and named it Gopy.  She wanted her picture with it and when I was taking the picture she said, "smile Gopy!"
 He kept them entertained for quite a while-Lina had to work hard to keep Belle from killing him "Lina, you want me to kill him for you?"
 Belle isn't that fond of swimming-she likes to dip her toes in every once and a while and then goes back to laying out-I don't know where she got that:) 

 For Father's Day Lina and her friend Addy got to decorate a cake at Cake and Bake.  It was so nice-they had all the frosting tubes and sprinkles and decorations all set out and I didn't have to do a thing!  Love it when someone else gets to clean up my kid's mess:)
 The finished product
 Lina wanted to put candles on the cake
 I love how Belle is looking at Evan in this pic:)

 we lit and re-lit the candles several times, it was pretty exciting
 Elise came over for some swimming and then taught Lina how to play Pretty Pretty Princess.  Lina later tried to teach Belle how to play and it didn't go so well:)
 My sweeties being silly
 Belle was petting Lina's leg and saying, "Lina you're so pretty with your curly hair"
the end:)


whouthunk? said...

we're all fainted dead away here.....two posts in the same YEAR!!

Kristen said...

Love it!

The Blaubach family said...

Keep 'em comin'