Friday, May 27, 2011

haircut, easter, random

These pics are out of can read below the little story that goes with a few pictures down:)

My children are seriouly part monkey. I would say at least 3/4th. From the time both of the could move they have been climbing.

I have to hide anything that I don't want them to have because merely putting it "out of reach", well there is no such thing! They will find a way to reach anything.

Belle has gotten very good at getting out of her crib without hurting herself (she climbed out a few times a couple months ago but cried pretty hard after each one so I think that hurt enough to make her stop for a while) It is kind of dangerous to leave her in her room outside of the crib-she likes to climb on top of her dresser and play with the cd player or climb on top of the kitchen set and play with the stuff on the shelf.

so anyway, I needed to get something from her room during her nap and found her like this:) little stinker:)


Belle had fun dipping the wand in and sucking the bubbles off-yum! (I got those no-spill bubble things for 5cents each!) Princess cousins:) For those of you that don't have facebook...the other day I found Lina and Raquel playing in the basement at mom&dad's and I noticed that Lina looked a little strange. After a closer look I noticed she was sporting a mullet-oh yes, business in the front, party in the back. Apparently Raquel thought Lina's former hairstyle was lacking and decided to spruce it up a bit. "we just wanted to look beautiful" I was pleasantly surprised at how it turned out after a trip "the haircutting store" thankfully her curls help hide the really short chunks. Gideon was cold at our house and needed a jacket and I only have girls...he wasn't too excited about it:) helping grandma play LPR on easter

attempting a family picture

At the Betty Brinn Museum (Angie, you were such a good bank teller:)

Lina loved working on the car "like daddy does!" she kept saying, "I need some more tools!" Carb addiction? Like mother like daughter:)

all this shopping is exhuasting (putting the food away was exhuasting-trying to put stuff away while Gideon and Belle took it right back off!)

I was going to have Evan make a fridge for the kitchen set but then I found this one for $9! I looooove rummage season:) I want to paint it but who knows when that will happen. The girls love it. Altho their favorite thing to do is take the shelves out and sit inside it...

"Mom, can you shut the door for us?"

Lina has been playing with her baby more lately-so sweet to hear/see the things she says/does

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