Monday, May 3, 2010

easter, dedication etc

Just a bunch of random pics to catch up....

Lina loves helping out with Belle. I love that she loves her, but sometimes she gives a little too much love:) I dont really get her dressed unless we actually go outside. She looked hilarious with the hat all the way on with the glasses...just use your imagination.
getting a head start on reading
Lina and Aiden playing nicely
I got this high chair for a dollar at a rummage and Lina really enjoys feeding Baby and Dollie in it. She also discovered that she fits in it too! And soon after that she discovered that if you lean forward to get a book off the ground you fall over:)
Belle was dedcated on Sunday, April 18. Mom got this adorable cake for her-the people had written Bella instead of Belle:-/ I tried to fix it, I thought I did a pretty good job.
Belle was smiling and giggling while she was being dedciated-such a good girl:)
family pic

praying like a good little girl:)
Lina has to buckle anything with a buckle-the carseat, high chair, swing, bouncer...but she can't un-do them so she'll come grab my hand and say, please help!!
If Lina finds a cup out she'll stick her sippy in it and drink like a big girl:)
When Lina plays with blocks she always builds a little tower by Belle first:)
Showing off her pony tail
Having some fun in the sun on one of the nice days-hopefully it will stay nice now!!

Evan painted our stools-he forgot one that we are using to hold a lamp so we did a before and after. It looks black in the pic but is actually 'oil rubbed bronze'
All tired out after running around outside I love how they both have their hands in their mouths:)
I HATE it when Evan doesn't fold the top over on the socks so one day he sent Lina in like this
It wasn't me!
Easter morning
Belle just being a cutie:)


Kristen said...

So cute! That lamb cake was adorable. I love the picture of Lina in her crib with everything on the floor and the one with the socks made me laugh!

Anonymous said...

What sweet little grandbabies!! Love, Grandma Holly