Friday, June 11, 2010

here you go

so the most recent are first...
I couldn't pick which ones to put up of these, so i just did them all cuz she is so cute:)

Train ride at the zoo Aiden and Lina making their morning milk deliveries

Lina is only allowed to have her nuk in bed so one day I walked in and found her trying to be all sneaky-that's the first time that it seemed like she knew she was being naughty and was trying to hide it. The first of many times I'm sure.

Lina moved into her big girl bed a couple weeks ago-she's been doing really good with staying in.

re-living the glory days

helping daddy with the lawn at gma and gpas

We stayed at my parent's house for 2 weeks while they were in Indonesia. Elise came home sick one day and lina wanted to lay on the couch like EliseLyd rocking the rotertiller (or however you spell that). I supervised.

a baby bird Lina found in the bushes At first when I saw this picture I thought Lina was just playing with the dolls in the basement and then I realized one of the dolls was Belle:)

a few weeks ago I let Lina wear her Tinkerbell undies-I am SO not ready to potty train. I am hoping that one morning she'll just wake up potty trained...

1 comment:

Joni said...

WOW does Belle look like Lina! At first I thought I was looking at pics of Lina! Love the pics of your 2 girls playing together. They are gonna have so much fun growing up together!