a couple weekends ago we went up north with the Piepers-our interenet is being rediculous so the pics are a little out of order, but you get the idea:)
we went to a lady's house where they had chickens and goats-I guess she usually has fresh eggs for sale but there were none when we went:-/

we got to watch this lovely dog for the weekend-thankfully he was really good with the kids

Adalyn wanted to poke the eye before Evan threw it back

Time for some fishing!

Adalyn is slightly in love with Evan:)

Gotta get out of here!

getting ready for a ride into town! Evan rode a dirt bike and I didn't feel comfortable driving with her in front so Brad took Lina with him. She wasn't crazy about the helmet but she kept it on:)

lunch with friends!

circling the yard
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