Saturday, September 5, 2009


I thought she coordinated well with her carseat and was trying to get her to smile but this was all she'd give me I tried this coat on her and she wanted to keep it on-for some reason she reminded me of the green one-eyed guy in Monsters Inc
just reading some books in Aunt Lydia's shower
little monkey!
thankfully her diaper had just been changed-hopefully she won't have the urge when it's full....
I was going through her clothes and put these on her-I think she looks like Raquel in this picture
I always get nervous when I'm in another room and she's quiet-it's so nice to find her reading so sweetly:)
helping Grandma in the kitchenapparently she didn't like the musicat the park with Aunt Jenna and Aunt Elise and Grandmaposing for the camera Angie-this is the complete outfit you gave her for her birthday (I think she's been in part of it in several other pics:) not the best pic, but I thought I'd show you:) Thanks!
watching daddy and uncle nathan work on the car
Lina and Sophia (my friend Kristy's little girl who is 4 months younger)
Lina loves riding her horse! there is a button you can press that makes it neigh and it's mouth moves and she thinks it's hilarious to put her hand in its mouth
when I catch her with something she's not supposed to have, she holds it out to me and says, ooooooh, no!

1 comment:

aunt elise said...

your a little stinker!