Tuesday, August 11, 2009

vistors & random

Had to get a few pics in before Tonya left for China:( We miss you!! Grandma and Grandpa Blaubach brought Lina this outfit from India-thanks grandma and grandpa!
Bj Kirsten and Justice were here for a few days-Lina loved playing with her cousin!
Evan and Bj took the kids to a fun fair thing at the church and then to dinner afterwards
Justice thought it was hilarious putting the blanket over Lina's head
Evan likes to have Lina balance on things...
a couple weeks ago we went to the airshow at the lakefront with the Piepers and the Spors. It was a lot of fun and very educational-did you know that if you aren't parked more than 15ft. from the corner of a road you get a $30 parking ticket? so much for trying to save the $20 parking fee!

It's not extremely clear in the picture, but Lina will pull out the bottom drawer and use it as a step stool
someone found their belly button!
Lina's play area at the pool
Lina was standing on a step and splashing the water and right as i was about to take a picture she plunged headfirst into the pool. Thankfully aunt Lyd was right there to save her:)
Lina loves chocolate chip pancakes!


Aunt Kristen said...

Lina, next time we come up you and Mya can have chocolate chip pancakes together. Those are one of Mya's favorites too! Also I am very impressed by your balancing skills!

The van Rensburgs said...

ahh she's so cute. She's getting so big. She has started doing so much since we left. You really need to come visit! I am also impressed by her balancing. I don't think that I could do that. Is the shirt she's wearing by the lakefront the one I got at that huge rummage sale?