Lina and Evan had been sick for the past few days so I figured she probably just had whatever they had so I took off her blanket and re-took her temp an hour later and it was down to 100.3 and by (a decent hour of) morning it was 99.7 so I didn't think anything of it.
I happened to mention it to a friend of mine that is a nurse and she suggested that I let Belle's pediatrician know. I called and they said that I needed to bring her in so I made an apt. and while I was getting ready the nurse called back and told me that the Dr. said she wanted me to take her to the ER at Children's Hospital. I was a little annoyed b/c I thought they were going a little overboard, but I'm so glad I did!
After 5 hours in the ER of drawing blood, taking a urine sample and doing a spinal tap (which I did not stay in the room for) they found out that she had meningitis and needed to be admitted for at least 48 hours. Eventually the tests showed that she had/has enterovirus meningitis which really can't be treated but is much better than bacterial meningitis.
We had to stay until all the cultures testing for the bacterial came back negative (which they did). Unfortunately Evan had a job that he had only two days to get done (altho fortunately for hospital bills sake!) so he wasn't able to be there at all and Lina was sick so I didn't think she should be there so it was so nice to get home yesterday and see everyone (altho now Evan is gone on a youth retreat which I was also supposed to go on)
But we are so thankful that God took/is taking such good care of Belle and that it was not anything more serious-thank you to all of you that were praying, we really felt them! I know I would have totally lost if it hadn't been for everyone praying for us.
that was a long one...if you're still reading, here are some pics now...
Her bed reminded me of a circus parade cage:)
Ohhh she's so adorable! We're so glad everything is ok. We need to skype!
Oh such a sweet girl.
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