Monday, July 6, 2009


We combined Lina's birthday party with our 4th of July Celebration-Lina loved Aunt Amy!

Lina was VERY excited to eat cakenot quite sure what to do with the candle...The head of the ladybug was all frosting (that is the part we gave Lina)
I think she liked it!
where have you been keeping this stuff?? slowly slipping into a sugar coma Presents!

Raquel, (and Angie and Dylan) Lina really likes the outfit you gave her!

1 comment:

Aunt Kristen said...

Happy Birthday Lina! We wish we could have been there to celebrate. Your present is bough now we just have to get to the post office to mail it. Mya wanted some of your cake. Your mommy did a wonderful job decorating it.