Monday, July 6, 2009

Birthday/4th of July

Lina is 1!! (June 29th)

I cant believe how fast that happened...

We were very happy to get Evan back safe and sound from Brazil the day before. Lina was very happy to see him-she wrapped her arms around his neck and just hung onto him for a long time. It was very cute.

On her actual birthday we went to Cousin's and got to eat with the McClains and Rittenhouses there (and of course didn't take a picture) Lina got to taste her first cookie-thanks for sharing Zeke!

Lina gets to sit in a big girl carseat now. (We got this one from a family that I babysit for occasionally. I made a new cover for it, I'll take a pic later) Eagerly waiting for the parade
this truck died so the guys helped push it
we set Lina by the bag to get more candy for Adalyn. We got a lot of candy.

After the parade we played ladder golf (I think that's what this game is called?) Jenna and Elise beat Evan and I (yes, we were trying)

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