Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Christmas Eve afternoon the Stocks came over to play for a while

at night we just hung out and watched The Grinch before bed

Lina didn't really get the concept of presents so she wasn't too excited to open her present-she was more excited to play with her fish ornament.
We gave her a little gardening set
She wouldn't look up to take a picture...I think she likes it Aunt Angie made this adorable little doll for Lina, made with authentic Indonesian fabric! She loves it! we went over to the Spor's in the morning and for lunch
and then to the Blaubachs for a little bit-so fun to have new babies around!
I'm not being naughty...

so sleepy
In the evening we headed to the McClains

from youngest to oldest-Belle (12/19) Boaz (12/6) and Toby (10/8

stop with the pictures mom!!

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