Thursday, May 7, 2009

zoos etc.

The picture uploader thing was being difficult and I have no patience for such nonsense, so it's been a little while. Not too long though. I think I'm doing pretty well:)

Lina at the eye Dr with a creepy looking Elmo...the Dr. said that everything looks fine and that the appearance of crooked/lazy eye will go away as she gets older and her face changes.
We got to watch Elise give a presentation on crystals-she did an excellent job:)
My Aunt Kathy and cousin Julie and her son Tate came from CA for a little visit-Lina really liked Tate Tate fell asleep on me (after spitting up several times on me also:) I thought Tonya looked nice in this one:) It looks like he's praying...such a spiritual child so tired...
Raquel and Mya also have this laptop and Lina LOVED playing with it at Christmas. The other day I was at a rummage sale and she got really excited all of a sudden and I looked and there was the laptop! I was surprised that she remembered it. What a nice find!
Evan took thses pictures. I thought that she liked it, because she likes being held up-side-down ...apparently she didn't texting her little friends:)
visiting the Gibeauts-she loved looking at the pictures of babies snacking on my old dollShe wasn't too sure if she liked being in there...she'd kind of laugh and then make a little whine. We really shouldn't get so much enojyment out of her discomfort.
Yesterday we went to Chicago to apply for the visas for the Brazil trip Evan is taking this summer (no comment on the outcome of that) One good thing of the day-the free zoo! And it was SO nice out. I think she enjoyed her first trip to the zoo

kinda funny story with this one...Evan thought it'd be cute to take her picture with her sitting by that little deer so I put her on next to it and then she all of a sudden starts crying...yes, I had just set my child on a boiling hot piece of metal. poor girl! cute little girl~getting way too big.
Today we went to the zoo with Aiden and Suzanne (they have a zoo pass with a guest pass!) It was a gorgeous day again...altho it's supposed to be cold over the weekend. I am ready to put her winter clothes away-I would appreciate it if it would just stay nice!
Lina was pretty excited about this little creature...I think it was a prarie dog?

1 comment:

The van Rensburgs said...

She's getting so big! I want to squeeze her (nicely, not like Raquel would:) We're praying about the Brazil visas.