Monday, May 25, 2009


Lina loves to empty my purse She can now stand all by steps yet, but she is getting close. Such a big girl!
watching tv with Aunt Lyd hanging out with Ben Pluta at Lydia's graduation party
Playing at the park with daddy
Some guy had these huge kites at the park-the guy who was flying them looked kind of creepy, but the kites were cool.
Playing on Grandpa's new piano
On Sunday the Mohn's had a party for the people going to Brazil. Adam and Shrift were visiting so they came along. The Mohn's have a heated pool so some went swimming at the end-the water was 92!
I thought this was cute:)

eating strawberries-apparently they taste the best after being rubbed in your hair.
slightly creepy smile expressing her love for the strawberries

Lina's new seat

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very nice Carrie- the picture of Evan and Lina in the pool is really funny- if you look at it big, it looks like Evan is a cartoon:)