Tuesday, April 7, 2009

this and that

She doesn't like a lot of people food, but she LOVES dog food. And apparently it tastes even better when eaten in a dog cage. relaxing with Uncle Dylan-aw
I felt kind of bad leaving her in there while I searched for my camera and took multiple pictures...
Lina likes to crawl over and under things-she got stuck on this house for a while (which allowed me time to grab the camera:)
reading books to herself (she is a very intelligent little girl:)Lina likes to stand on that little stump and peek over the sun/moon-she is always very smiley and excited when she is on there...maybe the extra height makes her feel powerful?:)
playing with Zeke and Adalyn while I helped Jolene pack
Happy Birthday Daddy! It was Evan's birthday on the 25th-Lina posed with him so he could model his new shirt:)If you click to see this picture bigger, you can see Lina's 2 left top teeth-which kind of make her look like a hillbilly. The right 2 are coming in, I just hope they come in fast! :)

1 comment:

Aunt Kristen said...

She's getting so big!! Is she walking along stuff yet. Give her a kiss and hug for me.