Thursday, April 16, 2009


Our little family on Easter (which was also Nathan's 16th! birthday...Happy Birthday!:)
we don't have the usual millions of family pictures because Kristen wasn't here to organize us all-we missed you guys!!

The night before Easter (sounds like a movie:) we were on our way to the Rittenhouses to watch the boys while Allyssa was in Alabama for Josh's graduation. We were going through an intersection and were hit by a guy who didn't see the red light (he had been drinking). Evan saw him and realized he wasn't stopping and was able to almost come to a stop before he plowed into us. God kept us all safe-I don't want to think about what could have happened! Our car isn't damaged too much. Thankfully the guy had insurance! So now we get to deal with all the fun insurance people, but we are thankful that everyone is ok.

When Jacob learned no one had made green bean casserole, he rushed home after church, tied on his apron and got to work. We called him at one point to see when he was coming over and he said, "as soon as my casserole comes out of the oven" Easter egg hunt! (I had to put this one with Lucy joining in on the festivities...hopefully no one found her little 'prize':)
my cousin Joni was here from Nebraska with her husband and 3 boys (the 2 older, Ethan and Justus, below with Elise)
Lina loved playing with the boys! Apparently she had this dart in her mouth for quite a while that morning (Evan had gotten up with them-such a good man!)
They were watching some veggie tales movie and when the silly songs part came on, Isaac ran to their room and brought back all the instruments so they could play along, rewinding it again and again and again...
some of my favorite quotes from my time with the boys...
Isaac: Elijah, stop lying! You know what God says about that, you're breaking the Bible!!
Elijah: (about every hour or so) I want pizza!
Elijah (when asked at dinner how many pieces of pizza he wanted) um...3, or maybe 7.
Isaac: no! he doesn't know how to count! Don't give him that many!!
What adorable little girls! Raquel sat very nicely for this little photo shoot:) hard to tell if she's choking her or hugging...will give her the benefit of the doubt and go with hugging:) kisses! (given with the promise of an airplane ride to Mickey's house compliments of Carrie airlines, the best 'Carrie' in the air!-oh, I am just too clever:)
Lina loves Aunt Angie-we are going to miss you:(
playing ball with Aunt Cherise
It's nice that Lina loves bath time so much-she would stay in there all day! Sometims I put her in there for a while so I can get stuff done without having to watch her all the time. just kidding:)
I'm not sure if it's normal for kids to try to eat things on the wall like that-she seems to do it quite often. This was a little more gross than other objects she has tried to devour...I guess my kid is a freak:)Happy Birthday Grandpa Blaubach! On Sunday he will turn the big 5-0! We had a surprise party for him last night...this is the only picture I had been sitting on the piano bench opening presents, just use your imagination:)

1 comment:

Aunt Kristen said...

Thanks for the pictures. I loved the ones in the bathtub! When we come up in June Mya and Lina will have to take some tubbies together:)